Viancha Antonucci


The subject of my work has developed from my fascination with very specific items of nostalgia that everyone can recognize. I started by putting random items together in compositions that made a lot of sense in my mind and that only a few understood. I’d like to think those who get it are similar-minded. For those who don’t understand my work, I think the best way to describe why the things and objects in my pieces go together in one composition is because they have the same “energy.” There is something about my recognizable groupings that make sense; and the more I try to understand why I even put them together, the more I realize they only exist in a made-up world that is not ours. So, my work captures their world and tells their story. All of my work has a trippy swirl pattern that is completely intuitive and runs throughout, connecting each part of the composition. Without this pattern, the objects would simply float in space. I give these objects a world that exists and highlights a crazy surreal land that I see within my subconscious!

Latest Project

My recent work consists of a green alien-fish character named Marcus. This collection is a work in progress and captures Marcus’ whole narrative starting from birth, to the final trapping of the astronaut that causes his orange fever hallucinations